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Composting is a natural biological process comprising several phases that allows the conversion of organic matter into compost. This process is accelerated thanks to our unique combined oxygen and temperature controlled process.

The natural process, which can last up to 8 months is lowered to 6 – 8 weeks, thanks to shredding, supply of oxygen and closed reactor. This process turns the biowaste into a high quality pasteurized ans standardized compost ready to return to soil.

It makes it possible to recycle different types of biowaste like garden waste, food waste, sewage sludge, methanisation digestates, etc.


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“Bio-drying” is a technology for drying soiled waste containing organic matter, based on the reuse of the heat produced by the natural rise in temperature of organic matter in the process of fermenting in the presence of oxygen.

It can be used in a facility processing an organic waste stream to accelerate the drying of material. Thanks to a supply of oxygen, the activity of the micro-organisms present in the product accelerates, inducing a rise in temperature in the product. The supply of oxygen coupled with the heat created by micro-organisms accelerates the drying of products.

Hantsch technology makes it possible to provide the necessary oxygen according to the needs of the microorganisms in the products, to optimize bio-stabilization and bio-drying.

The Lubawka site in Poland, for example, uses these two combined technologies.

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In order to obtain a good quality end product and optimize the biological process, preparation or the waste is a key issue and involves different technologies of shredding (garden waste shredding) , screening etc… 

Among them, depackaging (Turbo Separator) is an efficient technology that removes plastics, metals and other impurities present in kitchen waste and packaged food waste. Clean biowaste can then be processed into a biogas or a composting plant.

Therefore large amounts of unsold goods from shops and food industry, leftovers from catering (restaurants, cantines) and households can be recovered and turned into energy and soil fertilizer.

Recovered packaging, depending on its quality can be recycled as material or RDF.


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Bio-stabilization is a biological treatment of organic matter from household waste.

Organis matter  from household waste contains some organic matter impact in the environment (emission of harmful gases, smells and leachate). To limit these impacts, bio-stabilization will make it possible to degrade organic matter by aerobic fermentation (degradation of organic matter by micro-organisms in the presence of oxygen). Household waste is then stabilized, limiting the production of gas and leachate in landfill.

After crushing and screening of household residual waste, the fraction under 80 mm is collected for bio-stabilization in a aeration controlled bioreactor.

The fraction greater than 80mm can be processed in a similar bioreactor, with the aim of producing an RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel), for energy recovery, in a boiler or cement plant for example.





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