
Home > References
WOHIN (Poland) - Surwin
Depackaging system for biowaste

WOHIN (Poland) - Surwin

LA CEJA (Colombia) - Valbiores
Composting of household kitchen waste

LA CEJA (Colombia) - Valbiores

SAINTE-ROSE (France - Indian Ocean) – Green Tropical Circle
Green Waste composting

SAINTE-ROSE (France - Indian Ocean) – Green Tropical Circle

PLEUMEUR (France) - Valorys
Composting green waste and algae

PLEUMEUR (France) - Valorys

BARDEJOV (Slovakia)
Composting of greens and biowaste

BARDEJOV (Slovakia)

JAROCIN (Poland)
Composting of AD digestates from municipal waste

JAROCIN (Poland)

ILE D’YEU (France) - Trivalis
Composting of green waste

ILE D’YEU (France) - Trivalis

VITRY-EN-ARTOIS (France) - Symevad
Composting of green waste and energy wood

VITRY-EN-ARTOIS (France) - Symevad

LUBAWKA (Poland) -SANIKOM Sp.zo.o.
Stabilization of municipal waste, compsting of biowaste

LUBAWKA (Poland) -SANIKOM Sp.zo.o.

POREC (Croatia)
Composting of slewage sludge and green waste

POREC (Croatia)

Composting of AD digestates from food and farms waste


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